itu.algs4.stdlib package


itu.algs4.stdlib.binary_out module

class itu.algs4.stdlib.binary_out.BinaryOut(os=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)

Bases: object


itu.algs4.stdlib.binary_stdin module

class itu.algs4.stdlib.binary_stdin.BinaryStdIn

Bases: object

EOF = -1
buffer_ = 0
static close()

Close this input stream and release any associated system resources

ins = <_io.BufferedReader name=0>
static is_empty()
is_init = False
n = 0
static read_bool()
static read_char()
static read_int(r=32)
static read_string()

itu.algs4.stdlib.binary_stdout module

class itu.algs4.stdlib.binary_stdout.BinaryStdOut

Bases: object

buffer_ = 0
static close()
static flush()
is_init = False
n = 0
out = <_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'>
static write_bool(x)
static write_byte(x)
static write_char(x, r=8)
static write_int(x, r=32)

itu.algs4.stdlib.color module

The color module defines the Color class and some popular Color objects.

class itu.algs4.stdlib.color.Color(r=0, g=0, b=0)

Bases: object

A Color object models an RGB color.


Return the blue component of self.


Return the green component of self.


Return the red component of self.

itu.algs4.stdlib.instream module

The instream module defines the InStream class.

class itu.algs4.stdlib.instream.InStream(fileOrUrl=None)

Bases: object

An InStream object wraps around a text file or sys.stdin, and supports reading from that stream.

Note: Usually it’s a bad idea to mix these three sets of methods:

– isEmpty(), readInt(), readFloat(), readBool(), readString()

– hasNextLine(), readLine()

– readAll(), readAllInts(), readAllFloats(), readAllBools(),
readAllStrings(), readAllLines()

Usually it’s better to use one set exclusively.


Return True iff the stream wrapped by self has a next line.


Return True iff no non-whitespace characters remain in the stream wrapped by self.


Read and return as a string all remaining lines of the stream wrapped by self.


Read all remaining strings from the stream wrapped by self, convert each to a bool, and return those bools in an array. Raise a ValueError if any of the strings cannot be converted to a bool.


Read all remaining strings from the stream wrapped by self, convert each to a float, and return those floats in an array. Raise a ValueError if any of the strings cannot be converted to a float.


Read all remaining strings from the stream wrapped by self, convert each to an int, and return those ints in an array. Raise a ValueError if any of the strings cannot be converted to an int.


Read all remaining lines from the stream wrapped by self, and return them as strings in an array.


Read all remaining strings from the stream wrapped by self, and return them in an array.


Discard leading white space characters from the stream wrapped by self. Then read from the stream a sequence of characters comprising a bool. Convert the sequence of characters to an bool, and return the bool. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in the stream. Raise a ValueError if the next characters to be read from the stream cannot comprise an bool.


Discard leading white space characters from the stream wrapped by self. Then read from the stream a sequence of characters comprising a float. Convert the sequence of characters to an float, and return the float. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in the stream. Raise a ValueError if the next characters to be read from the stream cannot comprise a float.


Discard leading white space characters from the stream wrapped by self. Then read from the stream a sequence of characters comprising an integer. Convert the sequence of characters to an integer, and return the integer. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in the stream. Raise a ValueError if the next characters to be read from the stream cannot comprise an integer.


Read and return as a string the next line of the stream wrapped by self. Raise an EOFError is there is no next line.


Discard leading white space characters from the stream wrapped by self. Then read from the stream a sequence of characters comprising a string, and return the string. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in the stream.

itu.algs4.stdlib.outstream module

The outstream module defines the OutStream class.

class itu.algs4.stdlib.outstream.OutStream(f=None)

Bases: object

An OutStream object wraps around a text file or sys.stdout, and supports writing to that stream.


Write x to the stream wrapped by self.

writef(fmt, *args)

Write each element of args to the stream wrapped by self. Use the format specified by string fmt.


Write x and an end-of-line mark to the stream wrapped by self.

itu.algs4.stdlib.picture module

The picture module defines the Picture class.

class itu.algs4.stdlib.picture.Picture(arg1=None, arg2=None)

Bases: object

A Picture object models an image. It is initialized such that it has a given width and height and contains all black pixels. Subsequently you can load an image from a given JPG or PNG file.

get(x, y)

Return the color of self at location (x, y).


Return the height of self.


Save self to the file whose name is f.

set(x, y, c)

Set the color of self at location (x, y) to c.


Return the width of self.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdarray module

The stdarray module defines functions related to creating, reading, and writing one- and two-dimensional arrays.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdarray.create1D(length, value=None)

Create and return a 1D array containing length elements, each initialized to value.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdarray.create2D(rowCount, colCount, value=None)

Create and return a 2D array having rowCount rows and colCount columns, with each element initialized to value.


Read from sys.stdin and return an array of booleans. An integer at the beginning of sys.stdin defines the array’s length.


Read from sys.stdin and return a two-dimensional array of booleans. Two integers at the beginning of sys.stdin define the array’s dimensions.


Read from sys.stdin and return an array of floats. An integer at the beginning of sys.stdin defines the array’s length.


Read from sys.stdin and return a two-dimensional array of floats. Two integers at the beginning of sys.stdin define the array’s dimensions.


Read from sys.stdin and return an array of integers. An integer at the beginning of sys.stdin defines the array’s length.


Read from sys.stdin and return a two-dimensional array of integers. Two integers at the beginning of sys.stdin define the array’s dimensions.


Write array a to sys.stdout. First write its length. bool objects are written as 0 and 1, not False and True.


Write two-dimensional array a to sys.stdout. First write its dimensions. bool objects are written as 0 and 1, not False and True.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdaudio module

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw module

The stddraw module defines functions that allow the user to create a drawing. A drawing appears on the canvas. The canvas appears in the window. As a convenience, the module also imports the commonly used Color objects defined in the color module., y, r)

Draw on the background canvas a circle of radius r centered on (x, y).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.clear(c=<itu.algs4.stdlib.color.Color object>)

Clear the background canvas to color c, where c is an object of class color.Color. c defaults to stddraw.WHITE.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.filledCircle(x, y, r)

Draw on the background canvas a filled circle of radius r centered on (x, y).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.filledPolygon(x, y)

Draw on the background canvas a filled polygon with coordinates (x[i], y[i]).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.filledRectangle(x, y, w, h)

Draw on the background canvas a filled rectangle of width w and height h whose lower left point is (x, y).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.filledSquare(x, y, r)

Draw on the background canvas a filled square whose sides are of length 2r, centered on (x, y).


Return True if the queue of keys the user typed is not empty. Otherwise return False.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1)

Draw on the background canvas a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1).


Return True if the mouse has been left-clicked since the last time mousePressed was called, and False otherwise.


Return the x coordinate in user space of the location at which the mouse was most recently left-clicked. If a left-click hasn’t happened yet, raise an exception, since mouseX() shouldn’t be called until mousePressed() returns True.


Return the y coordinate in user space of the location at which the mouse was most recently left-clicked. If a left-click hasn’t happened yet, raise an exception, since mouseY() shouldn’t be called until mousePressed() returns True.


Remove the first key from the queue of keys that the the user typed, and return that key.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.picture(pic, x=None, y=None)

Draw pic on the background canvas centered at (x, y). pic is an object of class picture.Picture. x and y default to the midpoint of the background canvas.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.point(x, y)

Draw on the background canvas a point at (x, y).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.polygon(x, y)

Draw on the background canvas a polygon with coordinates (x[i], y[i]).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.rectangle(x, y, w, h)

Draw on the background canvas a rectangle of width w and height h whose lower left point is (x, y).

Save the window canvas to file f.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.setCanvasSize(w=512, h=512)

Set the size of the canvas to w pixels wide and h pixels high. Calling this function is optional. If you call it, you must do so before calling any drawing function.


Set the font family to f (e.g. ‘Helvetica’ or ‘Courier’).


Set the font size to s (e.g. 12 or 16).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.setPenColor(c=<itu.algs4.stdlib.color.Color object>)

Set the pen color to c, where c is an object of class color.Color. c defaults to stddraw.BLACK.


Set the pen radius to r, thus affecting the subsequent drawing of points and lines. If r is 0.0, then points will be drawn with the minimum possible radius and lines with the minimum possible width.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.setXscale(min=0.0, max=1.0)

Set the x-scale of the canvas such that the minimum x value is min and the maximum x value is max.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.setYscale(min=0.0, max=1.0)

Set the y-scale of the canvas such that the minimum y value is min and the maximum y value is max.

Copy the background canvas to the window canvas, and then wait for msec milliseconds. msec defaults to infinity.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.square(x, y, r)

Draw on the background canvas a square whose sides are of length 2r, centered on (x, y).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stddraw.text(x, y, s)

Draw string s on the background canvas centered at (x, y).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdio module

The stdio module supports reading from standard input and writing to sys.stdout.

Note: Usually it’s a bad idea to mix these three sets of reading functions:

– isEmpty(), readInt(), readFloat(), readBool(), readString()

– hasNextLine(), readLine()

– readAll(), readAllInts(), readAllFloats(), readAllBools(),
readAllStrings(), readAllLines()

Usually it’s better to use one set exclusively.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdio.eprint(*args, **kwargs)

Return True if standard input has a next line. Otherwise return False.


Return True if no non-whitespace characters remain in standard input. Otherwise return False.


Read and return as a string all remaining lines of standard input.


Read all remaining strings from standard input, convert each to a bool, and return those bools in an array. Raise a ValueError if any of the strings cannot be converted to a bool.


Read all remaining strings from standard input, convert each to a float, and return those floats in an array. Raise a ValueError if any of the strings cannot be converted to a float.


Read all remaining strings from standard input, convert each to an int, and return those ints in an array. Raise a ValueError if any of the strings cannot be converted to an int.


Read all remaining lines from standard input, and return them as strings in an array.


Read all remaining strings from standard input, and return them in an array.


Discard leading white space characters from standard input. Then read from standard input a sequence of characters comprising a bool. Convert the sequence of characters to a bool, and return the bool. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in standard input. Raise a ValueError if the next characters to be read from standard input cannot comprise a bool.

These character sequences can comprise a bool: – True – False – 1 (means true) – 0 (means false)


Discard leading white space characters from standard input. Then read from standard input a sequence of characters comprising a float. Convert the sequence of characters to a float, and return the float. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in standard input. Raise a ValueError if the next characters to be read from standard input cannot comprise a float.


Discard leading white space characters from standard input. Then read from standard input a sequence of characters comprising an integer. Convert the sequence of characters to an integer, and return the integer. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in standard input. Raise a ValueError if the next characters to be read from standard input cannot comprise an integer.


Read and return as a string the next line of standard input. Raise an EOFError is there is no next line.


Discard leading white space characters from standard input. Then read from standard input a sequence of characters comprising a string, and return the string. Raise an EOFError if no non-whitespace characters remain in standard input.


Write x to standard output.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdio.writef(fmt, *args)

Write each element of args to standard output. Use the format specified by string fmt.


Write x and an end-of-line mark to standard output.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdrandom module

The stdrandom module defines functions related to pseudo-random numbers.


Return True with probability p.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdrandom.binomial(n, p=0.5)

Return the number of heads in n coin flips, each of which is heads with probability p.


Return a float from a discrete distribution: i with probability a[i]. Precondition: the elements of array a sum to 1.


Return a float from an exponential distribution with rate lambd.

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdrandom.gaussian(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0)

Return a float according to a standard Gaussian distribution with the given mean (mean) and standard deviation (stddev).


Seed the random number generator as hash(i), where i is an int. If i is None, then seed using the current time or, quoting the help page for random.seed(), “an operating system specific randomness source if available.”


Shuffle array a.


Return an integer chosen uniformly from the range [0, hi).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdrandom.uniformFloat(lo, hi)

Return a number chosen uniformly from the range [lo, hi).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdrandom.uniformInt(lo, hi)

Return an integer chosen uniformly from the range [lo, hi).

itu.algs4.stdlib.stdstats module

The stdstats module defines functions related to statistical analysis and graphical data display.


Return the average of the elements of array a.


Return the median of the elements of array a.


Plot the elements of array a as bars.


Plot the elements of array a as line end-points.


Plot the elements of array a as points.


Return the standard deviation of the elements of array a.


Return the sample variance of the elements of array a.

Module contents

This module is based on the code at written by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, and Robert Dondero